1. Make sure the chainsaw is powered off and unplugged from any power source before beginning.
2. Place the chain on a flat work surface with bar side facing up, then place the drive link of the chain into its groove in the bar nose sprocket.
3. Press down on both ends of the drive link to make sure it’s properly seated in its groove, then use pliers or your fingers to bend all four clips outward on each side of the drive link so they lay flush against their respective sides of each cutter blade.
4. Slide one end of the chain onto one end of chainsaw guide bar until it reaches bottom slot, making sure that none of cutter blades are twisted in direction opposite to rotation arrow marked on guide bar near sprocket cover opening at front end, and that all rivets remain inside slots along top edge guide bar rail when installing last few links near rear part guide bar while pushing forward towards front part (this will ensure proper tension).
- Check the chain for any signs of damage or wear and tear before starting.
- If there is any, replace it with a new one.
- Place the chainsaw on a flat surface and make sure that the chain brake is engaged so that it won’t move while you are putting the chain on.
- Unscrew the bar nuts to loosen them and slide off the guide bar from its mounting holes at both ends of the saw body, taking care not to lose any parts in this process such as screws or washers etc.
- Put on your protective gear including gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection, long pants and sturdy boots before continuing with this process.
- Position one end of the drive link into place where it belongs in an anti-clockwise direction around its sprocket wheel which should be facing up towards you.
- Make sure that all other parts such as rollers , links etc.
- Hold onto each side of the drive link opposite each other using two fingers from either hand then pull apart slightly to create tension for easy installation.
- Press down firmly until all components fit securely together again and rotate clockwise.

Credit: www.instructables.com
How Do You Put a Chain on a Craftsman Chainsaw?
If you own a Craftsman chainsaw, chances are you’ve encountered the issue of having to replace or install a new chain. Replacing and installing a chain can be an intimidating task for those who have never done it before.Fortunately, replacing your Craftsman Chainsaw’s chain is actually quite easy once you know what steps to follow.
In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to put a chain on your Craftsman chainsaw quickly and easily.First off, make sure that your saw is unplugged from any power sources (including the battery if applicable). To begin the process of putting a new chain onto your Craftsman chainsaw, take off the old one by loosening up its tensioner screw.
Carefully pull out the old broken/worn-out blade from its slot in the bar and slide off all remaining links from each side of the bar until it’s free from both ends. Next, remove any debris left behind inside the groove in order to ensure that no remnants remain when installing the new blade later on.
How Do You Put a Chain on a Husqvarna Chainsaw?
If you have a Husqvarna chainsaw and need to put a chain on it, the process is relatively straightforward. All Husqvarna chainsaws come with instructions in the box, but if you’ve lost those or need an extra helping hand, here’s what you should do:
1. Begin by familiarizing yourself with your saw and its parts. The chain is connected to two sprockets – one at the crankshaft (the drive sprocket) and one at the bar nose (the clutch drum). Make sure that both of these are clean before beginning so they will not cause any problems during installation.
2. Place the guide bar onto your saw so that it sits securely in place between the slide rails of your saw body. Then attach one end of your new chain around the drive sprocket on the crankshaft, ensuring there is enough slack for a full loop around all three sides of this sprocket as well as up over and through itself again until it forms another loop around all three sides of this same sprocket once more – like forming a figure eight shape around itself when viewed from above or below.
How Do You Put a Bar on a Chainsaw?
If you’re a homeowner who uses a chainsaw for cutting wood, then putting a bar on your saw is essential. It will not only increase the saw’s efficiency and make it easier to use, but also ensure that your work is safe and accurate. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of how to put a bar on your chainsaw in five easy steps:
Step 1: Before getting started, make sure you have all the necessary tools and supplies at hand – such as an adjustable wrench or two, cleaning rags and some chain oil. Also check that the chain brake works properly by engaging it before starting any other step.
Step 2: To start with, loosen up all nuts holding the clamping plates together using an adjustable wrench or spanner if they are too tight. This should be done carefully so as not to damage any parts of the saw while taking them off.
Step 3: Once all nuts are removed from their respective locations on both sides of the clamping plate, take out its screws with an appropriate tool (depending on what type of screw heads were used).
How Do You Put the Chain Back on a Stihl Chainsaw?
If you own a Stihl chainsaw, you know how important it is to keep the chain sharp and in good condition. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen and the chain can come off. Luckily, putting the chain back on your Stihl chainsaw isn’t too difficult of a process once you know what steps to take.
In this blog post, we’ll walk through exactly how to put the chain back on your Stihl chainsaw so that you can get back to cutting quickly! The first step in putting the chain back on your Stihl chainsaw is turning off and unplugging your saw from any power sources.
You also want to make sure that there are no fuel or oil left in the saw before beginning this process as it could be dangerous if ignited by sparks created by working with metal components like those associated with chainsaws.
Next, remove the guide bar cover using either an Allen key (depending on model) or simply unscrewing it depending upon what kind of fastener was used when installing it originally.
How To Put A Chain On A Chainsaw Properly
Which Way to Put a Chain on a Chainsaw?
If you’ve ever tried to replace a chainsaw chain and struggled to get it on, then you know how frustrating it can be. It’s not always easy to figure out which way the chain is supposed to go on, especially if you’re new to using a chainsaw. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that will help make this task much easier.
First and foremost, read the user manual provided with your chainsaw before attempting any maintenance or repairs. This manual should provide clear instructions for installing a new chain as well as all of the other parts and accessories associated with your particular model of saw.
Following these directions should make the job much simpler, but if they don’t seem quite clear enough here is what else you need to know:
When replacing a chain on your saw, make sure that both sides of the loop have teeth facing towards each other in an outward direction – away from the center of the loop – so that when engaged with one another they form an arrow-like pattern pointing away from each other (see diagram). The side without teeth should face inward toward the center of the loop where it attaches at either end.
If you’re looking to put a chain on your chainsaw, then you’ve come to the right place! The process doesn’t have to be a daunting one; in fact, it is quite simple once you get the hang of it. To start off, make sure that your saw is turned off and unplugged before attempting any repairs.
Then, remove the bar cover from the top of the saw. With this removed, use your screwdriver or wrench to loosen up both nuts located at either end of the bar. Once they are loose enough for movement (but still snug), slide out the old chain by simply lifting it away from its spot on the bar rail.
Lay aside whatever guides were with it when purchased and discard them if needed—they do not need to be reused with a new chain. Now take your new chain and fit each loop into an individual groove on each side of the bar rail until all loops are properly fitted against their grooves and rails.
Make sure that all links fit tightly together by pushing down slightly while turning around; adjust as necessary if needed so that no gaps exist between loops/links within each row along its length across two sides of rail bars respectively.
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