Before sharpening a Stihl chainsaw, you should make sure it is clean and the chain brake is engaged. After that, you will need to check the cutter depth gauge for any damage or excessive wear. If all looks in order, use a round file to sharpen each cutting tooth of the chain by filing from the inside out at an angle of 30 degrees.
Make sure to keep track of how many times you stroke each tooth so they are even when finished. When sharpening is complete and all teeth look uniform, use a flat file to set the depth gauge back into place. Finally, turn on your Stihl chainsaw and test it out – if everything works properly then your job is done!
- Prepare the Chain: Before sharpening your Stihl chainsaw, ensure that the chain is in good condition. Check for any signs of wear and tear, like bent or broken cutters and loose links. Also, make sure that all screws are tightened properly before you begin sharpening
- Locate the Rakers: The rakers on a Stihl chainsaw are located at the back of each cutter link along the length of the chain’s drive links. These need to be adjusted so they protrude from between 1/16-inch to 3/32-inch above each cutter link when measured with a depth gauge tool or feeler gauge tool (both available at most hardware stores).
- Adjusting Raker Height: To adjust the raker height, loosen up but do not remove both nuts located at either end of the top plate where the motor attaches to the bar mount (called Bar Stud Nuts). Then use a flathead screwdriver to turn to adjust the screw counterclockwise until the desired height is achieved as described above in step 2;
- Then retighten both nuts securely while taking care not to over-tighten them which could cause damage or reduce cutting performance due to excessive friction on bar mount surface area against motor housing surface area contact point(s).
- Sharpen Cutters: Using a round file guide designed specifically for Stihl chainsaws, sharpen each individual cutter by filing away material from its leading edge until it has a slightly hook-shaped profile when viewed from the front side (this also creates micro chipping effect which helps cut branches more efficiently during operation). Repeat this process for all cutters along the length of the chain ensuring uniformity throughout the entire blade assembly before moving on to the next step below.
- Finalize Sharpening Process: Finally, check the tension level on the saw chain using the tensioner adjustment bolt found near the rear handle; if necessary adjust accordingly using the manufacturer’s recommended torque specifications indicated in the user manual booklet included with purchase – typically should range between 18-22Nm depending upon model type & size being used

What is the Sharpening Angle for Stihl Chainsaw?
The recommended sharpening angle for Stihl chainsaws is 30 degrees. It is important to maintain the correct angle when sharpening your chain, as this will ensure that it cuts efficiently and safely. Additionally, if you sharpen the chain at an incorrect angle, it can cause excessive wear on the saw’s cutting teeth and lead to premature failure of both chainsaw components and cutting attachments.
To help keep your Stihl chainsaw in optimal working condition, be sure to use a file guide with an adjustable gauge for accurate results when sharpening.
How Do You Sharpen a Stihl Chainsaw With a Hand File?
Sharpening a Stihl chainsaw with a hand file is an easy process that takes only a few minutes. Begin by cleaning the chain’s cutter teeth and drive links with a stiff wire brush and removing any debris. Next, adjust the filing guide to match your chain’s specific tooth size, then place it on the first cutter tooth at approximately 45 degrees.
Insert the flat edge of your file into one side of the gullet (the space between two cutting edges) and push forward firmly until you reach the end before reversing direction over each tooth. Make sure you are applying even pressure as you sharpen all of them in succession until they have been filed back to their original shape. Finally, remove any burrs or rough spots left by filing with either an abrasive stone or steel wool.
With just these simple steps, you can easily keep your Stihl chainsaw sharp!
How Do You Sharpen a Stihl Chainsaw With an Electric Sharpener?
Sharpening a Stihl chainsaw with an electric sharpener is relatively easy. First, you will need to secure the chainsaw in a vise or similar device so that it does not move during the process. Once secured, remove the chain from your saw and mount it onto your sharpener’s guide bar.
Adjust the angle at which you want to sharpen each tooth on the chain using your preferred method (file, grinder, etc.). When all of this is done properly, simply turn on your electric sharpener and let it do its job! Keep in mind that regular maintenance of your Stihl chain saws teeth can prevent damage to both itself and whatever wood project you are working on.
How Do You Sharpen a Stihl 2 in 1 Chainsaw?
Sharpening your Stihl 2 in 1 chainsaw is an important yet easy task that should be done regularly. First, locate the depth gauge and file guide on the side of the blade. Place a flat file into the file guide’s slot so it runs parallel to the chain’s cutting edge.
Next, use medium pressure to slowly run the length of each cutter from one end to the other for about five strokes per cutter. Finally, check that all cutters are sharpened evenly using a depth gauge tool and filing any low spots as needed until you achieve even angles across all teeth of the chain. To ensure optimal performance always lubricate with bar-and-chain oil after sharpening your saw’s chain.
How to sharpen your chain the right way on a STIHL Chainsaw
How to Sharpen a Stihl Chainsaw With a File
Using a hand file is an easy and effective way to sharpen your Stihl chainsaw. Begin by adjusting the tension of the chain and ensuring it’s tight, then place the round file inside one of the drive links and align it with one of its cutting teeth. Push forward on each tooth in turn while rotating the file between strokes so that you maintain a consistent angle as you sharpen each tooth.
When finished, check for evenness by running your finger along the top edge of all sharpened teeth and adjusting accordingly.
In conclusion, sharpening a Stihl chainsaw is an important skill for anyone who uses it. With the right set of tools and a bit of patience, you can sharpen your chain quickly and easily. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Stihl chainsaw will remain in top condition for years to come.
It’s worth taking the time to learn how to properly maintain your saw so it will keep running smoothly and make work easier!
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